Tuesday, April 29, 2014

one year

I can't believe that this school year is already coming to an end.  WHAT THE HECK. I feel like I just moved in the other day and that I have finally made my bed for the first time (sorry mom).
I honestly could not have asked for a better year.  When people say that college is the best time of your life...they are not lying.  I want to go back and relive everything.
I can't even think about everything I have done.
I have made the best friends anyone could ask for.  Friends who push each other everyday to the Lord. Push each other to be the best.  I have laughed a lot, cried some, and had the best conversations with my friends and wont trade them for the world.

I finished my first year as a member of the WOLFPACK.  ahhhh. Hard but so rewarding.  I started off as a Sport Management major and am now in Public Relation Communication and Non-Profit work.  Crazy the path that Jesus led me on to get to where I am and I had no idea this was the plan for me.  School is defiantly hard and if I had one consistent prayer request this year it was that I stayed obedient in my school work.  I did the best I could and found a major and a path that I am so excited about.

I BECAME A YOUNGLIFE LEADER.  I am offically a creek crazy with the Middle Creek Mustangs.  I love my team, my new friends and every part about being a leader.  The Lord has already shown up and showed out in my life through staying grounded in my ministry only in Him.  Being filled with his Word so that I can pour out His life through mine to these high schoolers.  I am so excited to watch and experience Gods miracles continuing to happen with these sweet people.

And finally, this year I have fallen madly in love with Jesus.  I have found a new relationship with Him and a new life in Him.  I no longer have Him in one shelf of my life but am now completely consumed by His relentless love and pursuit of me. One of my favorite things I have learned this year in all the digging into scripture we have done is that I am running to the feet of Jesus like Mary.  I am eager to sit at His feet and learn, I have run to his feet mourning just as Mary did and I find myself in awe everyday of his majesty yet gentle Spirit that has radically changed my life.  I am now worshiping at the feet of Jesus is a desperate pursuit to have an intimate relationship with him just like Mary did in utter humility.
I am so thankful that this crazy Creator chose me.  Chose me to sit at His throne and gratefully give my life to Him.  He chose me.

"For you are a people holy to God.  Out of all the people on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession".  Deuteronomy 14:2

Sunday, April 6, 2014

hunger and thirst no more

This past Friday my friends and I decided to fast.  I have never fasted before.
One thing I learned about fasting though, is that the next time I do this will NOT be the same day that I have to go to the doctor for shots.  Not smart.
I was not sure what to except or how I was going to feel since I have never done this before.  I found myself all day thinking the same thing "I AM SO HUNGRY".
What I learned through this experience though was definitely worth the feeling of an empty stomach. I learned a lot about my dependance on Jesus.
I learned that while I was hungry, he was hungry for me to cling to him and him only.  While the only thing I could think about was a big ole glass of Bojangles sweet tea, he was thirsty for my life.              
This man came to this wicked world and fasted for 40 days.  After those 40 days He was hungry no doubt, but what happened next while he was hungry and tired just proves to me over and over again how good He is.  He witnessed to all of us His divine power over darkness.  In his hungry and tired state He continue to fight for us and show us how much he loved us. (Matthew 4:1-11) dang.
When I thought about this during the day I thought about the things Jesus probably did while he fasted. Through scripture I learned that he was fully dependent on His Father.  All I can picture in my mind is Jesus spending some great quality time with the Creator.  Thanking him, crying to him, worshiping him and sitting with him in obedience.
Now, as I sat alone in the morning with my chai, went to class, went to the doctor and prayed with my friends for our high school friends in all of this I found myself doing the same thing.  I found myself in constant prayer thanking Him, crying to Him for some things, worshiping him for all that He has done and sitting with him in awe of all that He is.
I am no longer hungry or thirsty.
My hunger has been satisfies and my thirst has been quenched because I find myself fully dependent and reliant on a Jesus who isn't letting me go.