Rest is the hardest thing for me. I love to go, go, go and be surrounded by people all the time. It is what I love. I am learning though that in this Jesus has been calling out for me to rest. He has called me to sit. When I think of rest I think of the Sabbath. But the Sabbath is often difficult for me to understand. Is it a time where I feel obligated to sit down, or dread not doing something else. Or do I greet the Sabbath with anticipation and see this gift that has been given. I was created and woven together for this gift. The gift of rest and a stillness. A stillness that allows me to enter into a space with Jesus that is intimate and full. I find myself running from this often because when I stop that is when I am confronted with my heart. I am confronted with my brokenness, my fears, and my doubts. But it is then when I lean in the closest to a God who is so much bigger than that. That is when I am in desperate need to rest in this beautiful gift of stillness. A time to be intimate and immerse myself with Christ. A time to sit at his feet and be taught. A time to be in awe of the cross. A time to be overwhelmed by the fact that He delights in me. What a beautiful thing this is. That we have a God who treasures our lost heart and goes buck wild when all I do is turn and sit with Him.
I pray that I would be consumed by stillness and intimacy with Him. Consumed by a love that is deeper and wider than my crazy heart. Consumed by grace that has overwhelmed my life. Consumed by intimacy with a King who calls me His beloved.
Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath".
Mark 2:28